_ What are the advantages of a multiple column grid.?
Multicolumn grids provide flexible formats for publications that have a complex hierarchy or that integrate text and illustrations. The more columns you create, the more flexible your grid becomes.
_ How many characters is optimal for a line length? words per line?
It is important to maintain a similar word count between all lines of the paragraph, but usually around 6-8 words per line or 65 characters.
_ Why is the baseline grid used in design?
Baseline grids serve to anchor all (or nearly all) elements to a common rhythm. Create a baseline grid by
choosing the type size and leading of your text. Use this line space increment to set the baseline grid in your
document preferences.
_ What are reasons to set type justified? ragged (unjustified)?
Justified type makes efficient use of space and has been the norm since the invention of printing with moveable
type. Also makes a clean shape on the page.
_ What is a typographic river?
are gaps in typesetting, which appear to run through a paragraph of text, due to a coincidental alignment of spaces.
_ What does clothesline, hangline or flow line mean?
The flow line or clothesline is an imaginary line that aligns horizontally to text and allows for easy readability and flow.
_ What is type color/texture mean?
This includes the typeface, size, spacing, line measurement, etc. These elements alter the density, contrast, and value of the text therefore creating texture and color.
_ How does x-height effect type color?
X-height of a typeface affects its apparent size, its space efficiency, and its overall visual impact. Like hemlines
and hair styles, x-heights go in and out of fashion.
_ What are some ways to indicate a new paragraph. Are there any rules?
Indents have been common since the seventeenth century. Adding space between paragraphs (paragraph spacing) is another standard device. On the web, a paragraph is a semantic unit (the <p> tag in html) that is typically displayed on screen with space inserted after it.
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